

Architectural Support for Run-Time Validation of Control Flow Transfer

15 years 14 days ago
Architectural Support for Run-Time Validation of Control Flow Transfer
—Current micro-architecture blindly uses the address in the program counter to fetch and execute instructions without validating its legitimacy. Whenever this blind-folded instruction sequencing is not properly addressed at a higher level by system, it becomes a vulnerability of control data attacks, today's dominant and most critical security threats. To remedy it, this paper proposes a micro-architectural mechanism to validate control flow transfer at run-time at machine instruction level. It is proposed to have a hardware table consisting of legitimate indirect branches and their target pairs (IBPs) to aid the validation. The IBP table is implemented in the form of a cascading Bloom filter to store the security information as well as to enable fast validating. Based on a key observation that branch prediction unit existing in most speculative-execution processors already provides a portion of the control flow validation, our scheme activates the validation only on indirect br...
Yixin Shi, Sean Dempsey, Gyungho Lee
Added 16 Mar 2010
Updated 16 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ICCD
Authors Yixin Shi, Sean Dempsey, Gyungho Lee
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