

ArrayStore: a storage manager for complex parallel array processing

13 years 6 months ago
ArrayStore: a storage manager for complex parallel array processing
We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of ArrayStore, a new storage manager for complex, parallel array processing. ArrayStore builds on prior work in the area of multidimensional data storage, but considers the new problem of supporting a parallel and more varied workload comprising not only range-queries, but also binary operations such as joins and complex user-defined functions. This paper makes two key contributions. First, it examines several existing single-site storage management strategies and array partitioning strategies to identify which combination is best suited for the array-processing workload above. Second, it develops a new and efficient storagemanagement mechanism that enables parallel processing of operations that must access data from adjacent partitions. We evaluate ArrayStore on over 80GB of real data from two scientific domains and real operators used in these domains. We show that ArrayStore outperforms previously proposed storage management s...
Emad Soroush, Magdalena Balazinska, Daniel L. Wang
Added 17 Sep 2011
Updated 17 Sep 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Emad Soroush, Magdalena Balazinska, Daniel L. Wang
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