

A Grid-based solution for management and analysis of microarrays in distributed experiments

14 years 3 months ago
A Grid-based solution for management and analysis of microarrays in distributed experiments
Several systems have been presented in the last years in order to manage the complexity of large microarray experiments. Although good results have been achieved, most systems tend to lack in one or more fields. A Grid based approach may provide a shared, standardized and reliable solution for storage and analysis of biological data, in order to maximize the results of experimental efforts. A Grid framework has been therefore adopted due to the necessity of remotely accessing large amounts of distributed data as well as to scale computational performances for terabyte datasets. Two different biological studies have been planned in order to highlight the benefits that can emerge from our Grid based platform. The described environment relies on storage services and computational services provided by the gLite Grid middleware. The Grid environment is also able to exploit the added value of metadata in order to let users better classify and search experiments. A state-of-art Grid portal h...
Ivan Porro, Livia Torterolo, Luca Corradi, Marco F
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Ivan Porro, Livia Torterolo, Luca Corradi, Marco Fato, Adam Papadimitropoulos, Silvia Scaglione, Andrea Schenone, Federica Viti
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