

Astronomical real-time streaming signal processing on a Blue Gene/L supercomputer

14 years 9 months ago
Astronomical real-time streaming signal processing on a Blue Gene/L supercomputer
LOFAR is the first of a new generation of radio telescopes, that combines the signals from many thousands of simple, fixed antennas, rather than from expensive dishes. Its revolutionary design and unprecedented size enables observations in a frequency range that could hardly be observed before, and allows the study of a vast amount of new science cases. In this paper, we describe a novel approach to process realtime, streaming telescope data in software, using a supercomputer. The desire for a flexible and reconfigurable instrument demands a software solution, where traditionally customized hardware was used. This, and LOFAR’s exceptional real-time, streaming signalprocessing requirements compel the use of a supercomputer. We focus on the LOFAR CEntral Processing facility (CEP), that combines the signals of all LOFAR stations. CEP consists of a 12,288core IBM Blue Gene/L supercomputer, embedded in several conventional clusters. We describe a highly optimized implementation that ...
John W. Romein, P. Chris Broekema, Ellen van Meije
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where SPAA
Authors John W. Romein, P. Chris Broekema, Ellen van Meijeren, Kjeld van der Schaaf, Walther H. Zwart
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