

An asymptotically constant, linearly bounded methodology for the statistical simulation of analog circuits including component m

14 years 4 months ago
An asymptotically constant, linearly bounded methodology for the statistical simulation of analog circuits including component m
Abstract: This paper presents a new statistical methodology to simulate the effect of both inter-die and intra-die variation on the electrical performance of analog integrated circuits. The main feature of this methodology is that it accounts for device mismatch by using a number of variables that is asymptotically constant in the limit of perfectly matching devices, and is typically close to the number of independent process factors normally used to account for inter-die process variations only. A unified model of process variation allows the effects of each source of variation and their joint impact to be estimated, thus providing designers more accurate analysis and variance optimization capability. State-of-the-art application examples demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of this approach.
Carlo Guardiani, Sharad Saxena, Patrick McNamara,
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where DAC
Authors Carlo Guardiani, Sharad Saxena, Patrick McNamara, Phillip Schumaker, Dale Coder
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