

Auditory Versus Visual Spatial Impression: A Study of Two Auditoria

14 years 5 months ago
Auditory Versus Visual Spatial Impression: A Study of Two Auditoria
Spatial impression refers to the attributes of subjective space beyond localization. In the field of auditorium acoustics, auditory spatial impression is often divided into `apparent source width', `envelopment' and sometimes `intimacy'. In separate experiments, this study considers how visual and auditory spatial impression vary within two auditoria, and hence similarities between these two sensory modes. In the visual experiment, the `spaciousness', `envelopment', `stage dominance', `intimacy' and target distance were judged by subjects using grayscale projected photographs, taken from various positions in the audience areas of the two auditoria when a visual target was on stage. In the auditory experiment, the `apparent source width', `envelopment', `intimacy' and performer distance were judged using an anechoic orchestral recording convolved with binaural impulse responses measured from the same positions in the two auditoria. Resu...
Densil Cabrera, Andy Nguyen, Young-Ji Choi
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ICAD
Authors Densil Cabrera, Andy Nguyen, Young-Ji Choi
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