

Augmented Compression for Server-Side Rendering

14 years 3 months ago
Augmented Compression for Server-Side Rendering
In this work we recall attention to problems that arise in a client-server setting with server-side rendering and propose a practical method for accelerated high-quality render-stream compression on the server. Server-side rendering is gaining importance for three main reasons: On the one hand great differences in quality and performance of client's systems (ranging from PDAs to high-end workstations) complicate application development, on the other hand 3D content providers refrain from transmitting costly 3D data to clients and last but not least no adequate and widely accepted standardized 3D interchange format exists. A major challenge is the high server workload per client. To address one factor of the server load, we describe an augmented compression of server-side renderings that produces standard video streams but exploits the additional information available through image warping for motion estimation.
Fabian Giesen, Ruwen Schnabel, Reinhard Klein
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where VMV
Authors Fabian Giesen, Ruwen Schnabel, Reinhard Klein
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