

Augmenting fun and beauty: a pamphlet

14 years 4 months ago
Augmenting fun and beauty: a pamphlet
In this article we describe how the augmented reality and product design communities, which share the common interest of combining the real and the virtual, might learn from each other. From our side, we would like to share with you some of our ideas about product design which we consider highly relevant for the augmented reality community. In a pamphlet we list 10 sloganesque points for action which challenge the status quo in product design. Finally, we present some projects which show how these points could be implemented. We hope this approach will inspire those involved in augmented reality design and help them to avoid the pitfalls that the product design community is now trying to crawl out of. Keywords augmented reality, usability, perceptual-motor, emotion, aesthetics.
J. P. Djajadiningrat, Kees Overbeeke, Stephan Wens
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where DARE
Authors J. P. Djajadiningrat, Kees Overbeeke, Stephan Wensveen
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