

Automatic face naming with caption-based supervision

15 years 2 months ago
Automatic face naming with caption-based supervision
We consider two scenarios of naming people in databases of news photos with captions: (i) finding faces of a single person, and (ii) assigning names to all faces. We combine an initial text-based step, that restricts the name assigned to a face to the set of names appearing in the caption, with a second step that analyzes visual features of faces. By searching for groups of highly similar faces that can be associated with a name, the results of purely text-based search can be greatly ameliorated. We improve a recent graph-based approach, in which nodes correspond to faces and edges connect highly similar faces. We introduce constraints when optimizing the objective function, and propose improvements in the low-level methods used to construct the graphs. Furthermore, we generalize the graph-based approach to face naming in the full data set. In this multi-person naming case the optimization quickly becomes computationally demanding, and we present an important speed-up using graph-flow...
Matthieu Guillaumin, Thomas Mensink, Jakob J. Verb
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 09 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CVPR
Authors Matthieu Guillaumin, Thomas Mensink, Jakob J. Verbeek, Cordelia Schmid
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