

Automatic Generation of Triangular Irregular Networks Using Greedy Cuts

14 years 4 months ago
Automatic Generation of Triangular Irregular Networks Using Greedy Cuts
We propose a new approach to the automatic generation of triangular irregular networks from dense terrain models. We have developed and implemented an algorithm based on the greedy principle used to compute minimum-link paths in polygons. Our algorithm works by taking greedy cuts  bites" out of a simple closed polygon that bounds the yet-to-be triangulated region. The algorithm starts with a large polygon, bounding the whole extent of the terrain to be triangulated, and works its way inward, performing at each step one of three basic operations: ear cutting, greedy biting, and edge splitting. We give experimental evidence that our method is competitive with current algorithms and has the potential to be faster and to generate many fewer triangles. Also, it is able to keep the structural terrain delity at almost no extra cost in running time and it requires very little memory beyond that for the input height array.
Cláudio T. Silva, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Ar
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Cláudio T. Silva, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Arie E. Kaufman
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