

Automatic testcase synthesis and performance model validation for high performance PowerPC processors

14 years 7 months ago
Automatic testcase synthesis and performance model validation for high performance PowerPC processors
The latest high-performance IBM PowerPC microprocessor, the POWER5 chip, poses challenges for performance model validation. The current stateof-the-art is to use simple hand-coded bandwidth and latency testcases, but these are not comprehensive for processors as complex as the POWER5 chip. Applications and benchmark suites such as SPEC CPU are difficult to set up or take too long to execute on functional models or even on detailed performance models. We present an automatic testcase synthesis methodology to address these concerns. By basing testcase synthesis on the workload characteristics of an application, source code is created that largely represents the performance of the application, but which executes in a fraction of the runtime. We synthesize representative PowerPC versions of the SPEC2000, STREAM, TPC-C and Java benchmarks, compile and execute them, and obtain an average IPC within 2.4% of the average IPC of the original benchmarks and with many similar average workload cha...
Robert H. Bell Jr., Rajiv R. Bhatia, Lizy K. John,
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Robert H. Bell Jr., Rajiv R. Bhatia, Lizy K. John, Jeff Stuecheli, John Griswell, Paul Tu, Louis Capps, Anton Blanchard, Ravel Thai
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