

Average consensus over small world networks: A probabilistic framework

14 years 9 months ago
Average consensus over small world networks: A probabilistic framework
— It has been observed that adding a few long range edges to certain graph topologies can significantly increase the rate of convergence for consensus algorithms. A notable example is the class of ring-structured Watts-Strogatz small world graphs. Building on probabilistic methods for analyzing ‘small-world phenomena’, developed in our earlier work, we provide here a probabilistic framework for analyzing this effect. We investigate what graph characteristics lead to such a significant improvement and develop bounds to analyze consensus problems on randomly varying graphs.
Pedram Hovareshti, John S. Baras, Vijay Gupta
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CDC
Authors Pedram Hovareshti, John S. Baras, Vijay Gupta
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