

Bag-of-Tasks Scheduling under Budget Constraints

14 years 12 days ago
Bag-of-Tasks Scheduling under Budget Constraints
Commercial cloud offerings, such as Amazon's EC2, let users allocate compute resources on demand, charging based on reserved time intervals. While this gives great flexibility to elastic applications, users lack guidance for choosing between multiple offerings, in order to complete their computations within given budget constraints. In this work, we present BaTS, our budget-constrained scheduler. BaTS can schedule large bags of tasks onto multiple clouds with different CPU performance and cost, minimizing completion time while respecting an upper bound for the budget to be spent. BaTS requires no a-priori information about task completion times, and learns to estimate them at run time. We evaluate BaTS by emulating different cloud environments on the DAS-3 multi-cluster system. Our results show that BaTS is able to schedule within a user-defined budget (if such a schedule is possible at all.) At the expense of extra compute time, signifcant cost savings can be achieved when compa...
Ana-Maria Oprescu, Thilo Kielmann
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Ana-Maria Oprescu, Thilo Kielmann
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