Web applications have now become so sophisticated that rendering a typical page may require hundreds of intra-datacenter flows. At the same time, web sites must meet strict page ...
David Zats, Tathagata Das, Prashanth Mohan, Dhruba...
We investigate proactive dynamic load balancing on multicore systems, in which threads are continually migrated to reduce the impact of processor/thread mismatches to enhance the ...
Steven Hofmeyr, Juan A. Colmenares, Costin Iancu, ...
A question that database administrators (DBAs) routinely need to answer is how long a batch query workload will take to complete. This question arises, for example, while planning...
We consider the problem to minimize the weighted sum of completion times in nonpreemptive parallel machine scheduling. In a landmark paper from 1986, Kawaguchi and Kyan [5] showed ...
Caroline Jagtenberg, Uwe Schwiegelshohn, Marc Uetz
Commercial cloud offerings, such as Amazon's EC2, let users allocate compute resources on demand, charging based on reserved time intervals. While this gives great flexibilit...
We consider the schedulingproblem ofminimizinga weighted sum of completion times under release dates. We present a relaxation which is a supermodular polyhedron. We show that this ...
We give a polynomial approximation scheme for the problem of scheduling on uniformly related parallel machines for a large class of objective functions that depend only on the mac...
— Haptic interface devices and teleoperation masters are multiple degree of freedom devices manipulated by an operator to generate realtime motion commands to simulated environme...
We are interested in this paper to study scheduling problems in systems where many users compete to perform their respective jobs on shared parallel resources. Each user has speci...