

Bayesian decision aggregation in collaborative intrusion detection networks

14 years 1 months ago
Bayesian decision aggregation in collaborative intrusion detection networks
—Cooperation between intrusion detection systems (IDSs) allows collective information and experience from a network of IDSs to be shared to improve the accuracy of detection. A critical component of a collaborative network is the mechanism of feedback aggregation in which each IDS makes an overall security evaluation based on peers opinion and assessment. In this paper, we propose a collaboration framework for intrusion detection networks (CIDNs) and use a Bayesian approach for feedback aggregation by minimizing cost. The proposed model is highly scalable, robust, and cost effective. Experimental results demonstrate an improvement in the true positive detection rate and a reduction in the average cost of our mechanism compared to existing models.
Carol J. Fung, Quanyan Zhu, Raouf Boutaba, Tamer B
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where NOMS
Authors Carol J. Fung, Quanyan Zhu, Raouf Boutaba, Tamer Basar
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