

Bema: A multimodal interface for expert experiential analysis of political assemblies at the Pnyx in ancient Greece

8 years 12 months ago
Bema: A multimodal interface for expert experiential analysis of political assemblies at the Pnyx in ancient Greece
We present Bema, a multimodal user interface that enables scholars of Greek rhetoric and oratory to perform virtual reality studies of ancient political assemblies at the hill of the Pnyx. Named after the flat stone speakers’ platform utilized at the Pnyx, the Bema interface supports the high-level task of gaining a nuanced understanding of what it would feel like to give or receive a speech together with as many as 14,000 Athenian citizens and, further, how this experience must have changed as a result of at least two massive renovations captured in the archaeological record. Bema integrates solutions for several low-level interaction tasks, including navigating in virtual space and time, adjusting data visualization parameters, interacting with virtual characters, and analyzing spatial audio and architecture. Navigation is accomplished through a World-in-Miniature technique, re-conceived to support multi-touch input within a 4wall Cave environment. Six degree-of-freedom head trac...
Kyungyoon Kim, Bret Jackson, Ioannis Karamouzas, M
Added 27 Mar 2016
Updated 27 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where 3DUI
Authors Kyungyoon Kim, Bret Jackson, Ioannis Karamouzas, Moses Adeagbo, Stephen J. Guy, Richard Graff, Daniel F. Keefe
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