

Bicubic subdivision-surface wavelets for large-scale isosurface representation and visualization

14 years 4 months ago
Bicubic subdivision-surface wavelets for large-scale isosurface representation and visualization
We introduce a new subdivision-surface wavelet transform for arbitrary two-manifolds with boundary that is the first to use simple lifting-style filtering operations with bicubic precision. We also describe a conversion process for re-mapping large-scale isosurfaces to have subdivision connectivity and fair parameterizations so that the new wavelet transform can be used for compression and visualization. The main idea enabling our wavelet transform is the circular symmetrization of the filters in irregular neighborhoods, which replaces the traditional separation of filters into two 1-D passes. Our wavelet transform uses polygonal base meshes to represent surface topology, from which a Catmull-Clark-style subdivision hierarchy is generated. The details between these levels of resolution are quickly computed and compactly stored as wavelet coefficients. The isosurface conversion process begins with a contour triangulation computed using conventional techniques, which we subsequentl...
Martin Bertram, Mark A. Duchaineau, Bernd Hamann,
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Martin Bertram, Mark A. Duchaineau, Bernd Hamann, Kenneth I. Joy
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