

BioMoby extensions to the Taverna workflow management and enactment software

14 years 3 months ago
BioMoby extensions to the Taverna workflow management and enactment software
Background: As biology becomes an increasingly computational science, it is critical that we develop software tools that support not only bioinformaticians, but also bench biologists in their exploration of the vast and complex data-sets that continue to build from international genomic, proteomic, and systems-biology projects. The BioMoby interoperability system was created with the goal of facilitating the movement of data from one Web-based resource to another to fulfill the requirements of non-expert bioinformaticians. In parallel with the development of BioMoby, the European myGrid project was designing Taverna, a bioinformatics workflow design and enactment tool. Here we describe the marriage of these two projects in the form of a Taverna plug-in that provides access to many of BioMoby's features through the Taverna interface. Results: The exposed BioMoby functionality aids in the design of "sensible" BioMoby workflows, aids in pipelining BioMoby and non-BioMoby-b...
Edward A. Kawas, Martin Senger, Mark D. Wilkinson
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Edward A. Kawas, Martin Senger, Mark D. Wilkinson
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