

Bitstream encryption and authentication with AES-GCM in dynamically reconfigurable systems

14 years 4 months ago
Bitstream encryption and authentication with AES-GCM in dynamically reconfigurable systems
A high-speed and secure dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) system is realized with AES-GCM that guarantees both confidentiality and authenticity of FPGA bitstreams. In DPR systems, bitstream authentication is essential for avoiding fatal damage caused by unintended bitstreams. An encryption-only system can prevent bitstream cloning and reverse engineering, but cannot prevent erroneous or malicious bitstreams from being configured. Authenticated encryption is a relatively new concept that provides both message encryption and authentication, and AES-GCM is one of the latest authenticated encryption algorithms suitable for hardware implementation. We implemented the AES-GCMbased DPR system targeting the Virtex-5 device on an offthe-shelf board, and evaluated its throughput and hardware resource utilization. For comparison, we also implemented AES-CBC and SHA-256 modules on the same device. The experimental results showed that the AES-GCM-based system achieved higher throughput with le...
Yohei Hori, Akashi Satoh, Hirofumi Sakane, Kenji T
Added 26 Oct 2010
Updated 26 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where FPL
Authors Yohei Hori, Akashi Satoh, Hirofumi Sakane, Kenji Toda
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