

Broadcast of Consistent Data to Read-Only Transactions from Mobile Clients

14 years 4 months ago
Broadcast of Consistent Data to Read-Only Transactions from Mobile Clients
In this paper, we study the inconsistency problem in data broadcast. While data items in a mobile computing system are being broadcast, update transactions may install new values for the data items. If the executions of update transactions and the broadcast of data items are interleaved without any control, it is possible that the mobile transactions, which generated by mobile clients, may observe inconsistent data values. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, called Update-First with Order (UFO), for concurrency control among the mobile transactions and update transactions. The mobile transactions are assumed to be read-only. In the UFO algorithm, all the schedules among them are serializable. Two important properties of the UFO algorithm are that (1) the mobile transactions do not need to set any lock before they read the data items from the "air"; and (2) its impact on the adopted broadcast algorithm, which has been shown to be an efficient method for data disseminat...
Kam-yiu Lam, Mei-Wau Au, Edward Chan
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Kam-yiu Lam, Mei-Wau Au, Edward Chan
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