

Building Multithreaded Architectures with Off-the-Shelf Microprocessors

14 years 5 months ago
Building Multithreaded Architectures with Off-the-Shelf Microprocessors
Present-day parallel computers often face the problems of large software Overheadsfor process switching and interprocessor communication. These problems are addressed by the Multi- Threaded Architecture (MTA), a multiprocessor model designed for eficient parallel ezecution of both numerical and non-numerical programs. We begin with a conventional processor, and add what we believe to be the minimal ezternal hardware necessaryfor eficient support of multithreadedprograms. The presentation begins with the top-level architecture and the program ezecution model. The latter includes a description of activation frames and thread synchronization. This is followed by a detailed presentation of the processor. Major features of the MTA include the RegisterUse Cache for ezploiting temporal locality in multiple register set microprocessors, support for progmms requiring non-determinism and speculation, and local function invocations which can utilize registers for parameter passing.
Herbert H. J. Hum, Kevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao
Added 09 Aug 2010
Updated 09 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where IPPS
Authors Herbert H. J. Hum, Kevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao
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