

Cache-Oblivious Red-Blue Line Segment Intersection

14 years 4 months ago
Cache-Oblivious Red-Blue Line Segment Intersection
We present an optimal cache-oblivious algorithm for finding all intersections between a set of non-intersecting red segments and a set of non-intersecting blue segments in the plane. Our algorithm uses O(N B logM/B N B + T/B) memory transfers, where N is the total number of segments, M and B are the memory and block transfer sizes of any two consecutive levels of any multilevel memory hierarchy, and T is the number of intersections.
Lars Arge, Thomas Mølhave, Norbert Zeh
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ESA
Authors Lars Arge, Thomas Mølhave, Norbert Zeh
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