Fair-queuing schedulers provide clients with bandwidth or latency guarantees provided they are well-behaved i.e. the requested service is always within strict predefined limits. V...
Path planning is a central problem in virtual environments and games. When computer-controlled characters move around in virtual worlds they have to plan their paths to desired loc...
Mark H. Overmars, Ioannis Karamouzas, Roland Gerae...
Cuckoo hashing holds great potential as a high-performance hashing scheme for real applications. Up to this point, the greatest drawback of cuckoo hashing appears to be that there...
A truthful mechanism consists of an algorithm augmented with a suitable payment function which guarantees that the "players" cannot improve their utilities by "chea...
For a set P of n points in R2 , the Euclidean 2-center problem computes a pair of congruent disks of the minimal radius that cover P. We extend this to the (2, k)-center problem wh...
Abstract. We consider the problem of encoding a graph with n vertices and m edges compactly supporting adjacency, neighborhood and degree queries in constant time in the log n-bit ...
Abstract. We present data structures for maintaining the relative convex hull of a set of points (sites) in the presence of pairwise non-crossing line segments (barriers) that subd...
Given an n-node graph and a subset of k terminal nodes, the NP-hard Steiner tree problem is to compute a minimum-size tree which spans the terminals. All the known algorithms for t...