The Calico project is a multi-language, multi-context programming framework and learning environment for computing education. This environment is designed to support several interoperable programming languages (including Python, Scheme, and a visual programming language), a variety of pedagogical contexts (including scientific visualization, robotics, and art), and an assortment of physical devices (including different educational robotics platforms and a variety of physical sensors). In addition, the environment is designed to support collaboration and modern, interactive learning. In this paper we describe the Calico project, its design and goals, our prototype system, and its current use. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.3.2 [Computers and Education]: Computer and Information Science Education – computer science education. General Terms Design, Experimentation, Languages. Keywords CS1, computer science education, integrated development environment, IDE, pedagogy, programming ...
Douglas S. Blank, Jennifer S. Kay, James B. Marsha