

Can We Learn from ITSs?

14 years 6 months ago
Can We Learn from ITSs?
With the rise of VR, the internet, and mobile technologies and the shifts in educational focus from teaching to learning and from solitary to collaborative work, it's easy (but mistaken) to regard Artificial Intelligence in Education, in general, and Intelligent Tutoring Systems, in particular, as a technology that has had its day -- an old solution looking for a new problem. The issues of modeling the student, the domain or the interaction are still very much to the fore, and we can learn much from the development of ITSs. Despite the changes in technology and in educational focus there is still an ongoing desire for educational and training systems to tailor their interactions to suit the individual learner or group of learners: for example, by being able to deal appropriately with a wider range of background knowledge and abilities; by helpfully limiting the scope for the learner to tailor the system; by being better able to help learners reflect productively on the experience ...
Benedict du Boulay
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ITS
Authors Benedict du Boulay
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