

catmap: Case-control And TDT Meta-Analysis Package

14 years 2 months ago
catmap: Case-control And TDT Meta-Analysis Package
Background: Risk for complex disease is thought to be controlled by multiple genetic risk factors, each with small individual effects. Meta-analyses of several independent studies may be helpful to increase the ability to detect association when effect sizes are modest. Although many software options are available for meta-analysis of genetic case-control data, no currently available software implements the method described by Kazeem and Farrall (2005), which combines data from independent family-based and case-control studies. Results: I introduce the package catmap for the R statistical computing environment that implements fixed- and random-effects pooled estimates for case-control and transmission disequilibrium methods, allowing for the use of genetic association data across study types. In addition, catmap may be used to create forest and funnel plots and to perform sensitivity analysis and cumulative meta-analysis. catmap is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network ht...
Kristin K. Nicodemus
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Kristin K. Nicodemus
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