

On-chip decoupling capacitor optimization using architectural level prediction

14 years 2 days ago
On-chip decoupling capacitor optimization using architectural level prediction
Switching activity-generated power-supply grid-noise presents a major obstacle to the reduction of supply voltage in future generation semiconductor technologies. A popular technique to counter this issue involves the usage of decoupling capacitors. This paper presents a novel design technique for sizing and placing on-chip decoupling capacitors based on activity signatures from the microarchitecture. Simulation of a typical processor workload (SPEC95) provides a realistic stimulation of microarchitecture elements that is coupled with a spatial power grid model. Evaluation of the proposed technique on typical microprocessor implementations (the Alpha 21264 and the Pentium II) indicates that this technique can produce up to a 30% improvement in maximum noise levels over a uniform decoupling capacitor placement strategy.
Mondira Deb Pant, Pankaj Pant, D. Scott Wills
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Mondira Deb Pant, Pankaj Pant, D. Scott Wills
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