

Classifier Grids for Robust Adaptive Object Detection

15 years 10 months ago
Classifier Grids for Robust Adaptive Object Detection
In this paper we present an adaptive but robust object detector for static cameras by introducing classifier grids. Instead of using a sliding window for object detection we propose to train a separate classifier for each image location, obtaining a very specific object detector with a low false alarm rate. For each classifier corresponding to a grid element we estimate two generative representations in parallel, one describing the object’s class and one describing the background. These are combined in order to obtain a discriminative model. To enable to adapt to changing environments these classifiers are learned on-line (i.e., boosting). Continuously learning (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) requires a stable system. In our method this is ensured by a fixed object representation while updating only the representation of the background. We demonstrate the stability in a long-term experiment by running the system for a whole week, which shows a stable performance over ...
Peter M. Roth, Sabine Sternig, Helmut Grabner, Hor
Added 09 May 2009
Updated 28 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CVPR
Authors Peter M. Roth, Sabine Sternig, Helmut Grabner, Horst Bischof
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