

Clock gating architectures for FPGA power reduction

14 years 5 months ago
Clock gating architectures for FPGA power reduction
Clock gating is a power reduction technique that has been used successfully in the custom ASIC domain. Clock and logic signal power are saved by temporarily disabling the clock signal on registers whose outputs do not affect circuit outputs. We consider and evaluate FPGA clock network architectures with built-in clock gating capability and describe a flexible placement algorithm that can operate with various gating granularities (various sizes of device regions containing clock loads that can be gated together). Results show that depending on the clock gating architecture and the fraction of time clock signals are enabled, clock power can be reduced by over 50%, and results suggest that a fine granularity gating architecture yields significant power benefits.
Safeen Huda, Muntasir Mallick, Jason H. Anderson
Added 24 Jul 2010
Updated 24 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where FPL
Authors Safeen Huda, Muntasir Mallick, Jason H. Anderson
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