

Clock Synchronization with Bounded Global and Local Skew

14 years 7 months ago
Clock Synchronization with Bounded Global and Local Skew
We present a distributed clock synchronization algorithm that guarantees an exponentially improved bound of O(log D) on the clock skew between neighboring nodes in any graph G of diameter D. In light of the lower bound of Ω(log D/ log log D), this result is almost tight. Moreover, the global clock skew between any two nodes, particularly nodes that are not directly connected, is bounded by O(D), which is optimal up to a constant factor. Our algorithm further ensures that the clock values are always within a linear envelope of real time. A better bound on the accuracy with respect to real time cannot be achieved in the absence of an external timer. These results all hold in a general model where both the clock drifts and the message delays may vary arbitrarily within pre-specified bounds.
Christoph Lenzen, Thomas Locher, Roger Wattenhofer
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where FOCS
Authors Christoph Lenzen, Thomas Locher, Roger Wattenhofer
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