

CMKb: a web-based prototype for integrating Australian Aboriginal customary medicinal plant knowledge

14 years 3 months ago
CMKb: a web-based prototype for integrating Australian Aboriginal customary medicinal plant knowledge
Background: The customary medicinal plant knowledge possessed by the Australian Aboriginal people is a significant resource. Published information on it is scattered throughout the literature, in heterogeneous data formats, and is scattered among various Aboriginal communities across Australia, due to a multiplicity of languages. This ancient knowledge is at risk due to loss of biodiversity, cultural impact and the demise of many of its custodians. We have developed the Customary Medicinal Knowledgebase (CMKb), an integrated multidisciplinary resource, to document, conserve and disseminate this knowledge. Description: CMKb is an online relational database for collating, disseminating, visualising and analysing initially public domain data on customary medicinal plants. The database stores information related to taxonomy, phytochemistry, biogeography, biological activities of customary medicinal plant species as well as images of individual species. The database can be accessed at http...
Jitendra Gaikwad, Varun Khanna, Subramanyam Vemulp
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Jitendra Gaikwad, Varun Khanna, Subramanyam Vemulpad, Joanne Jamie, Jim Kohen, Shoba Ranganathan
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