

On Coherent Variability Measures and Conditioning

14 years 6 months ago
On Coherent Variability Measures and Conditioning
Coherent upper and lower previsions are becoming more and more popular as a mathematical model for robust valuations under uncertainty. Likewise, the mathematically equivalent class of coherent risk measures is attracting a lot attention in mathematical finance. In this paper, we show that a misinterpretation of upper previsions demands a closer examination of the basis of the theory of imprecise previsions. As a consequence, we obtain a new interpretation of coherent lower previsions as fair prices, a class of coherent variability measures, and a new type of conditioning for coherent lower previsions. Keywords. Coherent previsions, coherent risk measures, variability measures, fair price, conditioning.
Sebastian Maaß
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Sebastian Maaß
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