

Collective Optimization

14 years 7 months ago
Collective Optimization
Abstract. Iterative compilation is an efficient approach to optimize programs on rapidly evolving hardware, but it is still only scarcely used in practice due to a necessity to gather a large number of runs often with the same data set and on the same environment in order to test many different optimizations and to select the most appropriate ones. Naturally, in many cases, users cannot afford a training phase, will run each data set once, develop new programs which are not yet known, and may regularly change the environment the programs are run on. In this article, we propose to overcome that practical obstacle using Collective Optimization, where the task of optimizing a program leverages the experience of many other users, rather than being performed in isolation, and often redundantly, by each user. Collective optimization is an unobtrusive approach, where performance information obtained after each run is sent back to a central database, which is then queried for optimizations s...
Grigori Fursin, Olivier Temam
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Grigori Fursin, Olivier Temam
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