

A Combinatorial Solution for Model-Based Image Segmentation and Real-Time Tracking

14 years 2 months ago
A Combinatorial Solution for Model-Based Image Segmentation and Real-Time Tracking
—We propose a combinatorial solution to determine the optimal elastic matching of a deformable template to an image. The central idea is to cast the optimal matching of each template point to a corresponding image pixel as a problem of finding a minimum cost cyclic path in the three-dimensional product space spanned by the template and the input image. We introduce a cost functional associated with each cycle which consists of three terms: a data fidelity term favoring strong intensity gradients, a shape consistency term favoring similarity of tangent angles of corresponding points and an elastic penalty for stretching or shrinking. The functional is normalized with respect to the total length to avoid a bias toward shorter curves. Optimization is performed by Lawler’s Minimum Ratio Cycle algorithm parallelized on state-of-the-art graphics cards. The algorithm provides the optimal segmentation and point correspondence between template and segmented curve in computation times whic...
Thomas Schoenemann, Daniel Cremers
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where PAMI
Authors Thomas Schoenemann, Daniel Cremers
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