

Combining Compact Representation and Incremental Generation in Large Games with Sequential Strategies

9 years 1 days ago
Combining Compact Representation and Incremental Generation in Large Games with Sequential Strategies
Many search and security games played on a graph can be modeled as normal-form zero-sum games with strategies consisting of sequences of actions. The size of the strategy space provides a computational challenge when solving these games. This complexity is tackled either by using the compact representation of sequential strategies and linear programming, or by incremental strategy generation of iterative double-oracle methods. In this paper, we present novel hybrid of these two approaches: compact-strategy doubleoracle (CS-DO) algorithm that combines the advantages of the compact representation with incremental strategy generation. We experimentally compare CS-DO with the standard approaches and analyze the impact of the size of the support on the performance of the algorithms. Results show that CS-DO dramatically improves the convergence rate in games with non-trivial support.
Branislav Bosanský, Albert Xin Jiang, Milin
Added 27 Mar 2016
Updated 27 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where AAAI
Authors Branislav Bosanský, Albert Xin Jiang, Milind Tambe, Christopher Kiekintveld
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