

A comparative analysis of the information content in long and short SAGE libraries

14 years 3 months ago
A comparative analysis of the information content in long and short SAGE libraries
Background: Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) is a powerful tool to determine gene expression profiles. Two types of SAGE libraries, ShortSAGE and LongSAGE, are classified based on the length of the SAGE tag (10 vs. 17 basepairs). LongSAGE libraries are thought to be more useful than ShortSAGE libraries, but their information content has not been widely compared. To dissect the differences between these two types of libraries, we utilized four libraries (two LongSAGE and two ShortSAGE libraries) generated from the hippocampus of Alzheimer and control samples. In addition, we generated two additional short SAGE libraries, the truncated long SAGE libraries (tSAGE), from LongSAGE libraries by deleting seven 5' basepairs from each LongSAGE tag. Results: One problem that occurred in the SAGE study is that individual tags may have matched to multiple different genes
Yi-Ju Li, Puting Xu, Xuejun Qin, Donald E. Schmech
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Authors Yi-Ju Li, Puting Xu, Xuejun Qin, Donald E. Schmechel, Christine M. Hulette, Jonathan L. Haines, Margaret A. Pericak-Vance, John R. Gilbert
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