

Competitive Strategies for Autonomous Systems

14 years 4 months ago
Competitive Strategies for Autonomous Systems
A strategy for working with incomplete information is called competitive if it solves each problem instance at a cost not exceeding the cost of an optimal solution (with full information available), times a constant. This paper strives to demonstrate why competitive strategies are useful for the design of autonomous robots. They guarantee a good worst-case behaviour, they are easy to implement, and they allow to deal with some problems whose optimal solution would be NP-hard. We survey competitive strategies for the following problems. How to find a door in a long wall, how to find a goal in an unknown environment, how to find a point from which an unknown environment is fully visible, and how to determine a robot's location on a known map from local visibility. Keywords. Competitive, doubling strategy, localization, kernel, polygon, robot, street, visibility.
Christian Icking, Rolf Klein
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Authors Christian Icking, Rolf Klein
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