
13 years 7 months ago
Selected Design Issues
Sabine Helwig, Falk Hüffner, Ivo Rösslin...
13 years 8 months ago
Median Topographic Maps for Biomedical Data Sets
Abstract. Median clustering extends popular neural data analysis methods such as the self-organizing map or neural gas to general data structures given by a dissimilarity matrix on...
Barbara Hammer, Alexander Hasenfuss, Fabrice Rossi
13 years 8 months ago
MUSIC: Middleware Support for Self-Adaptation in Ubiquitous and Service-Oriented Environments
Self-adaptive component-based architectures facilitate the building of systems capable of dynamically adapting to varying execution context. Such a dynamic adaptation is particular...
Romain Rouvoy, Paolo Barone, Yun Ding, Frank Elias...
13 years 8 months ago
Modeling Dimensions of Self-Adaptive Software Systems
It is commonly agreed that a self-adaptive software system is one that can modify itself at run-time due to changes in the system, its requirements, or the environment in which it ...
Jesper Andersson, Rogério de Lemos, Sam Mal...
13 years 8 months ago
Learning Highly Structured Manifolds: Harnessing the Power of SOMs
Abstract. In this paper we elaborate on the challenges of learning manifolds that have many relevant clusters, and where the clusters can have widely varying statistics. We call su...
Erzsébet Merényi, Kadim Tasdemir, Li...
13 years 8 months ago
Policy-Based Architectural Adaptation Management: Robotics Domain Case Studies
Robotics is a challenging domain that exhibits a clear need for self-adaptive capabilities, as self-adaptation offers the potential for robots to account for their unstable and unp...
John C. Georgas, Richard N. Taylor
13 years 8 months ago
A Case Study in Goal-Driven Architectural Adaptation
To operate reliably in environments where interaction with an operator is infrequent or undesirable, an autonomous system should be capable of both determining how to achieve its ...
William Heaven, Daniel Sykes, Jeff Magee, Jeff Kra...
13 years 8 months ago
Engineering Self-Adaptive Systems through Feedback Loops
To deal with the increasing complexity of software systems and uncertainty of their environments, software engineers have turned to self-adaptivity. Self-adaptive systems are capab...
Yuriy Brun, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Cristina ...
13 years 8 months ago
Statistical Mechanics of On-line Learning
We introduce and discuss the application of statistical physics concepts in the context of on-line machine learning processes. The consideration of typical properties of very large...
Michael Biehl, Nestor Caticha, Peter Riegler