

Complexity Bounds for Batch Active Learning in Classification

13 years 11 months ago
Complexity Bounds for Batch Active Learning in Classification
Active learning [1] is a branch of Machine Learning in which the learning algorithm, instead of being directly provided with pairs of problem instances and their solutions (their labels), is allowed to choose, from a set of unlabeled data, which instances to query. It is suited to settings where labeling instances is costly. This paper analyzes the speed-up of batch (parallel) active learning compared to sequential active learning (where instances are chosen 1 by 1): how faster can an algorithm become if it can query instances at once? There are two main contributions: proving lower and upper bounds on the possible gain, and illustrating them by experimenting on usual active learning algorithms. Roughly speaking, the speed-up is asymptotically logarithmic in the batch size (i.e. when ). However, for some classes of functions with finite VC-dimension V , a linear speed-up can be achieved until a batch size of V . Practically speaking, this means that parallelizing computations on an...
Philippe Rolet, Olivier Teytaud
Added 14 Feb 2011
Updated 14 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where PKDD
Authors Philippe Rolet, Olivier Teytaud
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