

On the Complexity of Positional Sequencing by Hybridization

14 years 7 months ago
On the Complexity of Positional Sequencing by Hybridization
In sequencing by hybridization (SBH), one has to reconstruct a sequence from its l-long substrings. SBH was proposed as an alternative to gel-based DNA sequencing approaches, but in its original form the method is not competitive. Positional SBH (PSBH) is a recently proposed enhancement of SBH in which one has additional information about the possible positions of each substring along the target sequence. We give a linear time algorithm for solving PSBH when each substring has at most two possible positions. On the other hand, we prove that the problem is NP-complete if each substring has at most three possible positions. We also show that PSBH is NP-complete if the set of allowed positions for each substring is an interval of length k and provide a fast algorithm for the latter problem when k is bounded. Key words: Positional sequencing by hybridization, complexity, Eulerian graphs, NP-hardness, parameterized algorithms.
Amir Ben-Dor, Itsik Pe'er, Ron Shamir, Roded Shara
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where CPM
Authors Amir Ben-Dor, Itsik Pe'er, Ron Shamir, Roded Sharan
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