

Confidence Scalable Post-Silicon Statistical Delay Prediction under Process Variations

15 years 25 days ago
Confidence Scalable Post-Silicon Statistical Delay Prediction under Process Variations
Due to increased variability trends in nanoscale integrated circuits, statistical circuit analysis has become essential. We present a novel method for post-silicon analysis that gathers data from a small number of on-chip test structures, and combines this information with pre-silicon statistical timing analysis to obtain narrow, die-specific, timing PDFs. Experimental results show that for the benchmark suite being considered, taking all parameter variations into consideration, our approach can get a PDF with the standard deviation 83.5% smaller on average than the SSTA result. The approach is scalable to smaller test structure overheads. Categories and Subject Descriptors B.7.2 [B.7.3]: Integrated CircuitsDesign Aids, Redundant Design General Terms Performance, Design Keywords Post-Silicon Optimization, Statistical Timing Analysis
Qunzeng Liu, Sachin S. Sapatnekar
Added 12 Nov 2009
Updated 12 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where DAC
Authors Qunzeng Liu, Sachin S. Sapatnekar
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