

The Consensus Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts - February 1998 Version

14 years 1 months ago
The Consensus Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts - February 1998 Version
Abstract. This document1 contains de nitions of a wide range of concepts speci c to and widely used within temporal databases. In addition to providing de nitions, the document also includes explanations of concepts as well as discussions of the adopted names. The consensus e ort that lead to this glossary was initiated in Early 1992. Earlier versions appeared in SIGMOD Record in September 1992 and March 1994. The present glossary subsumes all the previous documents. The glossary meets the need for creating a higher degree of consensus on the de nition and naming of temporal database concepts. Two sets of criteria are included. First, all included concepts were required to satisfy four relevance criteria, and, second, the naming of the concepts was resolved using a set of evaluation criteria. The concepts are grouped into three categories: concepts of general database interest, of temporal database interest, and of specialized interest.
Christian S. Jensen, Curtis E. Dyreson, Michael H.
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Christian S. Jensen, Curtis E. Dyreson, Michael H. Böhlen, James Clifford, Ramez Elmasri, Shashi K. Gadia, Fabio Grandi, Patrick J. Hayes, Sushil Jajodia, Wolfgang Käfer, Nick Kline, Nikos A. Lorentzos, Yannis G. Mitsopoulos, Angelo Montanari, Daniel A. Nonen, Elisa Peressi, Barbara Pernici, John F. Roddick, Nandlal L. Sarda, Maria Rita Scalas, Arie Segev, Richard T. Snodgrass, Michael D. Soo, Abdullah Uz Tansel, Paolo Tiberio, Gio Wiederhold
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