

Constrained Marginal Space Learning for Efficient 3D Anatomical Structure Detection in Medical Images

15 years 10 months ago
Constrained Marginal Space Learning for Efficient 3D Anatomical Structure Detection in Medical Images
Recently, we proposed marginal space learning (MSL) as a generic approach for automatic detection of 3D anatom- ical structures in many medical imaging modalities. To accurately localize a 3D object, we need to estimate nine parameters (three for position, three for orientation, and three for anisotropic scaling). Instead of uniformly search- ing the original nine-dimensional parameter space, only low-dimensional marginal spaces are uniformly searched in MSL, which significantly improves the speed. In many real applications, a strong correlation may exist among pa- rameters in the same marginal spaces. For example, a large object may have large scaling values along all directions. In this paper, we propose constrained MSL to exploit this correlation for further speed-up. As another major contri- bution, we propose to use quaternions for 3D orientation representation and distance measurement to overcome the inherent drawbacks of Euler angles in the original MSL. The pro...
Yefeng Zheng, Bogdan Georgescu, Haibin Ling, Shaoh
Added 09 May 2009
Updated 10 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CVPR
Authors Yefeng Zheng, Bogdan Georgescu, Haibin Ling, Shaohua Kevin Zhou, Michael Scheuering, Dorin Comaniciu
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