

Constraint-Based Local Search for the Automatic Generation of Architectural Tests

14 years 3 months ago
Constraint-Based Local Search for the Automatic Generation of Architectural Tests
Abstract. This paper considers the automatic generation of architectural tests (ATGP), a fundamental problem in processor validation. ATGPs are complex conditional constraint satisfaction problems which typically feature both hard and soft constraints and very large domains (e.g., all memory addresses). Moreover, the goal is to generate a large number of diverse solutions under tight runtime constraints. To improve solution diversity, this paper proposes a novel approach to ATGPs by modeling them as MaxDiversekSet problems and solving them with constraintbased local search over conditional variables. The paper presents the semantics and implementation of conditional variables in this context and demonstrates the computational benefits of the approach. 1 Background and Motivation The automatic generation of architectural tests is a fundamental and complex problem in processor design. It consists of generating random sequences of instructions obeying specified constraints. The complexi...
Pascal Van Hentenryck, Carleton Coffrin, Boris Gut
Added 02 Sep 2010
Updated 02 Sep 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CP
Authors Pascal Van Hentenryck, Carleton Coffrin, Boris Gutkovich
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