

A Construction of a Fuzzy Valued Measure Based on Minimum t-norm

14 years 1 months ago
A Construction of a Fuzzy Valued Measure Based on Minimum t-norm
In this paper we generalize the well known construction of ”classic” measure theory to the fuzzy case. We consider such T-norm based classes of fuzzy sets as T-semirings and T-tribes (T - sigmaalgebras), such fuzzy valued functions as elementary T-measures, exterior T-measures and T-measures, and we suggest the construction of a TM-measure by extension of an elementary TM-measure on a TM-semiring to a TM-measure on a TM-tribe in the case of the minimum T-norm TM.
Vechislav Ruzha, Svetlana Asmuss
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Vechislav Ruzha, Svetlana Asmuss
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