

Constructive and Adaptable Distributed Shared Memory

14 years 6 months ago
Constructive and Adaptable Distributed Shared Memory
Distributed shared memory (DSM) is a paradigm for programming distributed systems, which provides an alternative to the message passing model. DSM offers the agents of the system a shared address space through which they can communicate with each other. The main problem of a DSM implementation on top of a message passing system is performance. Performance of an implementacion is closely related to the consistency the DSM system offers: strong consistency (all agents agree about how memory events happen) is more expensive to implement than weak consistency (disagreements are allowed). There have been many DSM systems proposals, each one supporting different consistency levels. Experience has shown that no one is well suited for the whole range of problems. In some cases, strong consistent primitives are not needed, while in other cases, the weak semantics provided are useless. This is also true for different implementations of the same memory model, since performance is also afected by...
Jordi Bataller, José M. Bernabéu-Aub
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where HIPS
Authors Jordi Bataller, José M. Bernabéu-Aubán
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