

Context Awareness for Collaborative Learning with Uncertainty Management

14 years 2 months ago
Context Awareness for Collaborative Learning with Uncertainty Management
: In Collaborative Learning, groups of students work together using traditional and computer-based tools or applications. Participants are continuously moving and reorganizing in groups as tasks develop and the contextual information about the physical arrangement of people within groups determines the context of each sub-activity. The electronic environment needs to be in sync with the physical arrangement of the groups, but providing group context information to computer-based tools cannot effectively be done manually. This paper explores and addresses the problem of automating group awareness in CSCL applications by estimating group arrangements from location sensors and the history of interaction. We derive from case studies the requirements for context-awareness in collaborative learning, focusing on the Jigsaw technique supported by mobile devices. In our prototype system with real users, groups are detected from the location of the students within the classroom. However, this in...
Roc Messeguer, Leandro Navarro, Pedro Damiá
Added 29 Jan 2011
Updated 29 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JUCS
Authors Roc Messeguer, Leandro Navarro, Pedro Damián-Reyes, Jesús Favela
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