

Continuous-time behavioral portfolio selection

14 years 7 months ago
Continuous-time behavioral portfolio selection
This paper formulates and studies a general continuous-time behavioral portfolio selection model under Kahneman and Tversky's (cumulative) prospect theory, featuring S-shaped utility (value) functions and probability distortions. Unlike the conventional expected utility maximization model, such a behavioral model could be easily misformulated (a.k.a. ill-posed) if its di erent components do not coordinate well with each other. Certain classes of an ill-posed model are identi ed. A systematic approach, which is fundamentally di erent from the ones employed for the utility model, is developed to solve a well-posed model, assuming a complete market and general It^o processes for asset prices. The optimal terminal wealth positions, derived in fairly explicit forms, possess surprisingly simple structure reminiscent of a gambling policy betting on a good state of the world while accepting a xed, known loss in case of a bad one. An example with a two-piece CRRA utility is presented to i...
Hanqing Jin, Xun Yu Zhou
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CDC
Authors Hanqing Jin, Xun Yu Zhou
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