

A Contradiction-Based Framework for Testing Gene Regulation Hypotheses

14 years 5 months ago
A Contradiction-Based Framework for Testing Gene Regulation Hypotheses
We have developed a mathematical framework for representing and testing hypotheses about gene, protein, and signaling molecule interactions. It takes a hierarchical, contradiction-based approach, and can make use of multiple data sources to assess hypothesis viability and to generate a viability partial order over the space of hypotheses. We have developed an event-based formal language for the expression of such hypotheses. This language seamlessly integrates regulatory diagrams (graphical inputs) and structured English (text input) to maximize flexibility. We have developed a mathematical formalism that allows us to make precise statements about hypothesis similarity and the convergence of iterative refinements of a base hypothesis. To this, we add mathematical machinery that allows us to make precise statements about control and regulation.
Steve Racunas, Nigam Shah, Nina V. Fedoroff
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CSB
Authors Steve Racunas, Nigam Shah, Nina V. Fedoroff
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