

Converting Group Key Agreement Protocol into Password-Based Setting - Case Study

14 years 10 days ago
Converting Group Key Agreement Protocol into Password-Based Setting - Case Study
Abstract— Converting a secure group key agreement protocol into password-based setting is not a trivial task. The security of a password-based scheme hinges on preventing dictionary attack that enables an adversary to take advantage of the low entropy of human memorable passwords. In this paper, we make a case study considering the constant round group key agreement protocol DB proposed by DuttaBarua, which is a simple variant of Burmester-Desmedt protocol BD. We present a simple and elegant contributory group key agreement in password-based setting derived from the protocol DB. We discuss several issues regarding the difficulties of converting this DB protocol into password-based setting. We have made several modifications in the protocol DB and then enhance it to password-based setting. The security of the proposed scheme against dictionary attacks is in the ideal cipher model under Decision Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption. We analyze our protocol in the security framework forma...
Ratna Dutta
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JCP
Authors Ratna Dutta
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